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Inflammatory Bowel Disease

One man’s determination in the face of chronic illness shows that a basic quality of life is always worth the fight.

Straight from the Gut is an inspirational story of an Indian immigrant's battle with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, a debilitating illness that affects more than 5 million people worldwide.


Author Vivek Sardana's struggles with the disease, his triumphs and setbacks, and his eventual victory over such a seemingly invincible foe, are reason for hope not just for anyone suffering from something similar, but for practically everyone. It’s a story about indefatigable courage in the face of adversity, of faith even in the depths of despair, and, most of all, the power of conviction when faced with uncertainties.

Entertaining, witty, heartbreaking, warm, inspirational and deeply engrossing. Rarely have I come across a patient’s account of a battle with a chronic ailment, which was simply “unputdownable”!

- Dr. Varsha Joshi, MD,
Internal Medicine

Perhaps the most important quality of Straight from the Gut is that it provides comfort. It gives hope and courage, a reality check to what is really important. It will elevate your own life and teach you some coping skills for any hits that may come your way. It did so for me.

- Dr. Patricia Sitnitsky, M.D. (Internist, Palo Alto Medical Foundation)

While documenting the tale of his ordeal, Sardana maintains a lively and at times even humorous tone. He lays out his symptoms, diagnoses, treatments, surgery and pain management in a way that is technical enough to be helpful to those facing similar situations, but also easy enough to read.

- Maria Josey,

Straight from the Gut pulls no punches and makes no attempt to soften the blows of the progression of a chronic disease, but ultimately offers readers hope as Sardana repeatedly navigates the pros and cons of painful procedures and uncertain recoveries.

Reflecting on his own hopeful prognosis, his text offers compassionate understanding, personal coping mechanisms, and well-coordinated comfort to other “comrades” with a core message of hope, survival, and coexistence with the intimidating condition. 

 - D. Donovan, Senior e-reviewer, MBR

 - Kirkus Reviews

© 2015 Straight from the Gut: Battling Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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